Originally uploaded by Teckelcar.
Don’t let the mummies scare you.
Originally uploaded by Teckelcar.
And here is a little something sweet before you go.
Don’t let the mummies scare you.
Originally uploaded by Teckelcar.
Noun, edge of cloth so woven that it cannot unravel, or made of another material or with an inferior finish.
We’ve covered so much together over the years that coming up with new and interesting questions to ask is something of a difficulty.
Okay, well, so that’s not true.
Thank goodness for such an excuse, though, because it leads us right into this batch of questions. Today we’ll be dealing with those things we tell ourselves in order to keep from doing what we should be doing. Take a moment to answer the questions below, either in the comments or by leaving a link to your blog, and tell us, please:
1) What is your favorite all-around go-to excuse for not doing things that you really just don’t want to do?
2) Is this excuse a one-size-fits-all sort of thing, or do you have one set of excuses for work, and another for social situations?
3) What is one of the lamest excuses you’ve ever heard?
There now--if it’s not too much trouble, or if you’re not having to go wash your hair, or if you don’t have a roast in the oven--take a minute or two and fill us in on your answers. As always, the game is open to everyone, so no excuses for not playing.
A Mountain Hike
Originally uploaded by Teckelcar.
POTPOURRI!!1) Oh I don’t know. I guess it would be the two paintings my parents made that I have up in our house. I truly enjoy them and I’m very proud of the fact that the artists are my parents.
AND, as you can surmise from the title, today is YET ANOTHER Thursday where I didn't have anything prepared ahead of time due to the constraints of gainful employment, and so now I'm in the position of having to come up with a set of questions on the fly, and that always means a scattershot sort of affair, full of non-themed, unrelated questions.
As is the usual case, everyone is invited to participate in answering the following set of questions by either leaving a comment below, or leaving a link to your blog, or writing them out in longhand and mailing them to our headquarters building here in Godly Hollow, Alabama.
NOW, here we go:
1) We know none of you are full of vainglory, but everyone has a little something they like to have around to show off as a status symbol. What thing (or things) do you have that you use to signify your high level of couth and culture?
2) What time do you go to bed at night?
3) What year did you first experience the Internet?
NOW, all of you go answer those, and I'll do the same--in a while. ONCE MORE, gainful employment is interfering with things, so you'll have to wait a bit to see my answers. YOU, on the other hand, please fire away!
…we simply MUST have a memetheme for today’s Axis of Weevil Thursday Three! AND SO, today we ask you to think about a few of your favorite things. And don’t start humming the song until it’s time!
As with all other episodes of our long-running series, anyone is free to participate by either leaving a comment below with your answers, or a link to your blog where your answers can be found.
Now then, let’s get right into it, shall we? Of course we shall!
1) What is your favorite color? (Yeah, I know it’s an easy one, but they get a LOT harder.)
Okay, now you can start humming the song.
2) Of all the items on the following list:
Raindrops on roses
Whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles
Warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
Cream colored ponies
Crisp apple strudels
Sleigh bells
Schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashes
Silver white winters that melt into spring
Which item is your favorite, AND, which item is your LEAST favorite? (See, told you it gets a lot harder!)
And finally,
3) What are three of your favorite memories from childhood?
Okay, now--take a moment to think about those and then let fly with your answers.