Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Artist of the Week: Rockin' Out Loud

The Velvet Marias
Originally uploaded by Teckelcar
This week's artist is the Velvet Marias, Bon Air's finest "Rockin' Twang with a Sweet Stang."

We have been following this band for a while, checking out their gigs at watering holes around Richmond as our schedules permit. Larry met the bassist, Mike, through work and that is how we learned about the band.

They always put on a good show and do possibly the best cover of "These Boots Are Made For Walking," Sarah's voice has a great smoky quality and guitars are oh so nasty. They do a mix of covers and original compositions that make you want to groove. We caught them last Saturday at the Amelia Summer Series, a free family oriented event held on the court house steps in Amelia county. We brought the whole family along, including Meryl.

It was a good concert on a lovely summers day. The crowd wasn't very large, but it was friendly. Larry ended up passing out my cookies to not only the band, but the audience as well. I can now rightfully claim that my cookies are famous in two counties.

The Velvets are in the process of cutting an album and I look forward to hearing it.

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