Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Dedicated Soccer Mom

Originally uploaded by Teckelcar
It's that time of the year again when I get to spends hours upon hours sitting outside while my children practice or play soccer. There is baseball and Marching band as well, but I don't have to stick around for those practice sessions.

This year Rebecca is on strictly girls only team and she is really enjoying being around just girls for change. As for Max he is on a co-ed team which is mostly boys with just a handful of girls (And yes, that girl really is that much bigger than Max). Which means the dynamic duo are on very different game schedules.

Fortunately the games don't overlap by too much and so far it hasn't been complicated. The real bright spot is that the practice schedules mesh beautifully. Rebecca is Monday and Thursday while Max and Nate are Tuesday and Thursday. All of the fields are within walking distance and all of the practices start at 5:30 pm.

Heck, I've even been bringing a neighbor's child, J, on Tuesday and Thursday. His mom had knee surgery and will be out of commission for quite some time. I'm more than happy to help out since I'm going there anyways. I'm a soccer mom and I have room in the van. One more kid is not a problem.

In fact today I was such a dedicated soccer mom I even went to practice for a team my children are not ion. Poor Max has a major muscle pull in his left leg and was unable to attend practice. But Nate still had baseball today and that meant I still had to go to the park. So J still got his ride and ended having me hanging out at his practice instead of Max's.

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