Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Artist of the Week: Portrait

Rebecca by Teckelcar
Rebecca, a photo by Teckelcar on Flickr.
Rebecca is this week's artist. I took this picture of her at my cousin's house in Vermont. Since my mom moved to her apartment we can no longer stay with her. Instead, my cousin has generously opened his vacation house to us. It is located about a half an hour away from where my mom lives and is in a sparsely populated area. That said, it is a wonderful retreat.

Surrounded by the beauty of New England and with no internet, we try to do things outside. Unfortunately it is the summer of rain and we were limited on what we could do. All my favorite swimming holes were closed and I was leery of going on a big hike and most likely getting rained on. However we did spend some time climbing the hill in back of the house, picking wildflowers along the way.

Anna by Teckelcar
Anna, a photo by Teckelcar on Flickr.
Anyhoodle, the art was an incidental find at the end of the school year.

Way back in June Max was AotW with a small castle he made in art class. The castle was put on display in the main administration building and a note was sent home informing me that Max had something on exhibit. It took a while, but I eventually went to go have a look-see.Much to my surprise, Jacob (who I had just picked up from school) found a picture by Rebecca.

It is a portrait of Rebecca's friend Anna. I'm not familiar with the
particular style of the drawing, but I am sure I will be duly informed when I ask. As for the drawing itself, Rebecca did a good job capturing the essence of her friend. Drawing on black paper is not easy and Rebecca was able to make it work.

The picture was a very nice surprise.

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