Monday, March 21, 2005

Happy Birthday Little Brother!

Today is my brother’s birthday.

Here is a picture of us from about 30 years ago.

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I like to call him my little brother, even though he towers over me and he is my only sibling. On the day he was born I was just under 3 ½ years old. I remember being in a room sitting on a chair watching men’s legs clad in suit pants pace back and forth. I have another memory of my father and me in the hospital parking lot. He is pointing out which room my mother is in and she is waving out the window. I don’t know if these are true memories, but they feel right. Growing up we would play together and we would also fight like cats and dogs.

He lives out west now with his new bride. Here is a picture of us at his wedding.

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The wedding was just last October. It was a small clambake and I made the cake.

I hope he has a good day. I think I’ll give him a call tonight.

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