Looking for Love

So I get to wear one of these! Or maybe this one! Yes, it’s love for hire with Mr. Crunch.
But first it’s a short Twinsday lunch with Aunt Meryl. The plan was to swing by her place with our sandwiches and she would make us home made potato chips. Yum!
Thursday was a busy morning. I had to make sandwiches, bathe Crunch and clean out his crates. I say crates because his regular crate was due to be cleaned and the travel crate was rather grubby. Crunch knew something was up and was whining, eager to go. Once all was ready I loaded up the van aka the teckel car (Teckel is a Dutch/German diminutive of dachshund).
At Meryl’s we got to enjoy her yummy potato chips. At first Rebecca rejected them, but after watching the rest of us gobble them up she changed her mind. The potato chips were very tasty and they were gone before we knew it. We were treated during our lunch with an appearance by Tig (expected) and by Gracie (completely unexpected). Amazingly Gracie did not flee in terror.
I then rounded up the troops and left for Rockville. It was already 12:45, a little later than I wanted. The drive was not bad. Max and Rebecca were happily watching movies in the back. Eventually they both fell asleep. I was, however, alarmed by how the south bound traffic kept getting stacked up. We got to our destination just before 3:00, perfect timing.
We parked near Andy’s car. Crunch was pottied one more time and allowed to stretch a bit. His crate and health records were then transferred into Andy’s car. At this point Rebecca was awake and very grumpy. Andy tried to say hello and this just set her off. He thought it was his fault, but I tried to assure him that he was blameless. He then got in his car and drove away with Crunch.
After a cookie, a clementine and a juice box all was right in the world. Max, Rebecca and I then went for a short walk. We needed to move about before our slog back home. It took us a bit over 2 hours to get to Rockville, but it would be a longer drive home. Meryl’s place is a least 20 min closer to DC than our house and rush hour in DC had begun. When we hit the road again it was about 3:30. It was amazing how bad the traffic had gotten. The inner loop was at a standstill. Lucky for us, the outer loop was still moving. 95 was a mess and it took us a little over 3 hours to get home. Not bad considering the traffic.
Crunch gets to play for the next couple of weeks before he comes home.
Lucky dog.
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