Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thursday Three: Achoo!

This week’s Thursday Three is all about this season’s special joys that it brings to the world. Here is the scoop from Terry:
Leave it to our crack research team of sniffly and itchy Jim Smith to come up with an inspired selection of questions for today, based entirely upon his own seasonal distress!

Jim, suffering through some sort of allergic malady, sent the following to us (in a somewhat more condensed form) and suggested we have an Stopped Up, Wheezy, Sneezy Axis of Weevil Thursday Three!

1. Do you have any food or plant allergies that kick in this time of year?

2. Is there anything in the food or plant realm that you might not be allergic to, but that you dread seeing during the fall anyway?

3. Setting aside your discomfort for just a moment, what are some of your favorite fall things?

Okay, all of you drink your chicken soup and Allerest and get to work. Remember that anyone is free to play along, even if it’s not autumn where you live, or if you think people with allergies are just big babies trying to get sympathy!

Ah fall, the smell of wood smoke fills the air and my nose is no longer stuffed!

1) My only food allergy is shellfish and that is a year round hazard, it’s a good thing I’m Jewish. As Meryl points out, I was meant to be one of the chosen. The rest of my allergies start to die down now, especially after the first hoar frost.

2) I’m not terribly fond of oak trees this time of year, their leaves shrivel up, turn brown and linger on the trees all winter long. This year, as an added hazard, we are getting a bumper crop of acorns. A few days ago, when it was very warm, it was downright painful to be barefoot along the margins of our lawn and at least one of the kids got bonked by a falling acorn. As for food, I guess it would be fruitcake. I don’t like it and I’m suspicious of the brightly colored bits imbedded in it.

3) I love this time of year. As y’all know I have my little problem with pumpkins. I also love the snap in the air, the vibrant colors of the leaves and best of all the food! Thanksgiving (a.k.a. “The Most Adored Food Holiday In All The Land”) is right around the corner. We have already been drinking cider and I just picked up my first carton of eggnog today, I’m so happy.

Originally uploaded by Teckelcar.

I’m just a little old northern gal that is just getting into her element.

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