Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Big Doings

Big things are happening this week. We've been checking out orthodontists for the boys and getting ready for school.

Last weekend I finally divvied up all the school supplies that have been on our dining room table for the past month into four grocery bags.

school supplies
Originally uploaded by Teckelcar
And here the bags are on the floor in the dining room with the corresponding back pack in front. From left to right we have Rebecca, Max, Nate and Jake. I'm not quite done with Rebecca's backpack, it used to be Jake's. He had it in kindergarten and first grade and it held up very well. All I needed to do was cover up his initials and "girl" it up a bit. We got the butterfly to cover up Jake's monogram and that is all set. Next up are the flower appliques that Rebecca picked out. It'll get done in time, I have until Tuesday.

The fabric swatches spilling out of Max and Rebecca's bags are rest mats. We have full day kindergarten and for an hour each day there is a rest period. The dynamic duo outgrew naps a couple years ago, but quite a few kids need this down time. Technically the mats should be towels, but I made them for Jake and Nate so, dang it, Max and Rebecca will get home made ones as well. Max's is Nate's old mat and he is thrilled to have it and Nate was wiling to let it go. Rebecca got to pick out the fabrics for her mat and I just finished making it tonight.

Tomorrow is kindergarten orientation and Max and Rebecca will get to meet their teachers and we'll drop off their school supplies. I'm not sure how the timing will work out since Larry can't come, but I will be sure to meet both of their teachers. Thursday is Nate's meet and greet and Jake gets to do a walk through at the middle school on Friday.

Big doings are going on around here.

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