Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Vulture Day!

16 Vultures
Originally uploaded by Teckelcar
Monday may have been Valentine's Day, but in my backyard it started out as Vulture day.

When I let the dogs out for their morning airing I glanced up at the trees bordering our yard and was stunned to see the branches filled with vultures. At one point we had 22 Black Vultures balefully glaring down at us. This was a moment worthy of capturing for posterity.

If you look closely you can see 16 vultures. It's a good thing I'm not the superstitious type, I never would have left the house.


Janis Gore said...

That's a grim start to a day. Any day.

Sarah said...

Fortunately we had plenty of chocolate on hand to counteract the dark start to the day.