Merry Christmas to all that celebrate.
It being Thursday and all, it's once more time to throw off the tarp from the Most Exciting Thing in the Whole World, the Axis of Weevil Thursday Three!
::golf clap::
As it is now toward the end of 20-Ought Six, and seeing as how I will be gone all next week, what say we have a big year-end wrap up/new year preview?
Take your keyboard in hand and answer the following questions (which were inspired by last week's host) by either leaving a comment below, or a link to your answer over at your blog. Remember, anyone is free to play along!
So now:
1) What sorts of things will you be doing this year to bring the year to a close? Any special traditions or such that signal the end of the old? Parties, football games, airing of grievances, Twister?
2) What are you most looking forward to in the new year?
3) And since we missed talking about such things at the end of last month, what things that came your way in 2006 were you most thankful for?
Okay, now--get to work and let's see what you come up with!
it’s the pre holiday –Santa Possum is too busy to shop—
edition of the Thursday Three
comments update
They don't seem to be working if you want to play please go to Mr. Possum's post.
Well! What do ya do? I suggested the three was finished with finals and already headed home. Not good enough, so here goes with the best/worst edition of the three. You can answer the best or the worst or both—or not at all I guess.
Any way here it is:
1. Best/worst Christmas/holiday party you have attended?
2. Best/worst religious Christmas/holiday activity.
3. Best/worst gift--given or received?
Remember to either put you answers in the comments section or give us a link back to your site. Please play I don’t want to be the boy who threw the party and nobody came.
| You are civilized, calm, and have a good sense of humor, even when those around you don't. You can hold your own in a fight, but prefer it when things don't get too exciting. ![]() |
And we go to the big box of questions and...
...find that it is empty.
Never fear, gentle readers, the show must go on and all that stuff. It might just not be up to the usual high standard of quality you might be used to. Then again, it may exceed it by a wide margin.
IN ANY EVENT, all of you gather 'round and listen to these questions and then take a moment to answer them, either by leaving your answer in the comments below or a link to your online journal, or as the kids call it, a "blog." As is the usual case when I don't have any questions, today's offering will be a grab-bag selection of entirely unrelated questions. We call it Potpourri, because it gives a high-tone air to the place and makes it seem much more uppity than just "Pile of Junk."
1) Have you ever been removed from a public conveyance for breaking rules regarding passenger behavior, such as Miss Windybritches on the DC-Dallas flight?
2) What is the latest movie you've seen (theater, broadcast, or video) and how did you like it?
3) What is your favorite soft drink?
And since these are all so pitiful, we'll even throw in an extra question that you can use as a substitute or as a bonus question--
4) Who do you consider to be the worst United States President in your lifetime?
There now--take that box full of odds-and-ends and see what you can do with it!
Beef and Vegetables in Red Wine Sauce
1 ½ pounds boneless beef bottom round steak, cut into 1-inch cubes*
1 tablespoon cooking oil (olive oil works just fine)
2 medium carrots, cut into 1/2 – inch pieces**
2 stalks celery, cut into ½-inch pieces***
1 cup quartered fresh mushrooms
½ cup sliced green onions****
3 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca
1 14 ½-ounce can Italian-style stewed tomatoes*****
1 cup beef broth
½ cup dry red wine, white wine or beef broth (?) Use red.
1 teaspoon dried Italian seasoning, crushed
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
1 bay leaf
1) Trim fat from meat; cut into 1-inch cubes. In a large skillet brown beef, half at a time, in hot oil. Drain off fat.
2) Transfer beef to a 3 ½- or 4-quart crockery cooker. Add carrots, celery, mushrooms, and green onions. Sprinkle with tapioca.
3) Combine undrained tomatoes, beef broth, wine or broth, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, and bay leaf. Pour over vegetables and meat.
4) Cover; cook on low-heat setting for 8 to 10 hours or on high heat setting for 4 to 5 hours. Discard bay leaf. Serve over hot cooked noodles. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
What probing inquisitories do we have for you today? Well, seeing as how we are now officially into the Unspecified-Holiday Shopping Season, our seasoned team of university-based question writers wants to know the following things about you and your gifting habits.
Remember that anyone is free to play along by leaving your answer in the comments below or by leaving a link to your very own festively-decorated blog!
So, here we go:
1. Are you good at letting others know what you might want or need?
2. Are you good at shopping for others?
3. How much of your shopping this year (purchasing or looking) is being done online?
Now then, put down your packages and get to work answering those!
Today’s Menu
Stuffing (with and without sausage)
Acorn Squash
Party Potatoes (With and Without Garlic)
Green Beans
Challah Rolls
For dessert (all homemade!) we have a choice of
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Tarte Tatin
Beverages are an assortment of beers, wine, cider and what have you.
Which Wooster and Jeeves Character Are You? |
![]() You are AUNT DAHLIA!Your home is like a three-ring circus--but, by golly, you're the devil of a ringmaster! You've seen all types of houseguests, but you manage to extract some nectar from even the foulest of stinkweeds before they biff off. You know the two secrets to a man's heart: food and letting the poor bird BE! Take this quiz! ![]() Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code |
This week’s edition of the Thursday Three is all about the hand or possibly the sock. It is really up to you as Terry explains:
Myth! Myth!
Sorry, got Muppet fever for a moment there.
BUT WHAT BETTER WAY to lead into our “Sock-Puppetry Version” of the world-famous Axis of Weevil Thursday Three!
Today we want to ask you three simple questions and expect highly detailed, well-though-out, laboriously researched answers in return. Or just any answers. As usual, anyone may play along--either leave your answers in the comment section below, or cutnpaste everything over to your own blog and leave a link.
1) Who is your most favorite puppet character (and no, it doesn’t have to be a Muppet), and why?
2) Did you have a favorite puppet that you owned as a child?
3) Do you ever engage in puppetry?
Now then, stuff your hand in a sock and start typing out those answers!!
You're an intellectual, and you've worked hard to get where you are now. You're a strong believer in education, and you think many of the world's problems could be solved if people were more informed and more rational. You have no tolerance for sloppy or lazy thinking. It frustrates you when people who are ignorant or dishonest rise to positions of power. You believe that people can make a difference in the world, and you're determined to try.
I know nothing about the articles this references, but it’s spot on its description of how I feel about sloppy and lazy thinking. And yes, I’m a bit of an idealist too, I do believe that individuals can make a difference.
I guess I should check the articles out.
Oh and I just found out Jake's team's name for the tournament this weekend. Get this, it's The Burning Llamas.