Friday, May 29, 2009

The Home Stretch

And we really are entering the home stretch in so many ways.

Only two weeks are left in the school year. Most of the work is done, at this point school becomes something more akin to glorified baby sitting. The older two still have a fair amount of end of the year testing left, but a few classes have pretty much played themselves out. For Max and Rebecca I foresee quite a few movies being shown in class.

Jake's Bar Mitzvah is also two weeks away. He pretty much has the Friday service down pat along with his Torah portion and 95% of his Haftorah. Now he needs to work on the melodies and to write his sermon.

On the sports end of things Nate had his last regular season baseball game tonight. Sunday marks the start of the playoffs, our team will have its first game on Monday. For Max his last soccer game will be next weekend.

As for me, I'll be happy to live life at the far less frenetic pace once everything is over.

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