The first time I made them I think they came out well. I am not entirely sure, because at the time I had a nasty cold that made everything taste like spackle. I could only taste the oddest flavors (We had some cherry beer and it tasted like Robitussin, blech!). Also I was out of oranges and substituted clementines. The walnuts remained optional and were not used. Larry and Jake seemed to like them so I decided I should give them another shot.
Last weekend, when Grandma and Grandpa were visiting, I made them again. This time I had actual oranges and I could taste food again.

Originally uploaded by Teckelcar. They made the kitchen smell wonderful and they were very tasty. My in-laws enjoyed them and I did too. The only thing I might change is to use a little less salt. The muffins had a nice texture, not at all dry and crumbly. The cinnamon topping went well with the orange flavored interior. The muffins are very reminiscent of my orange cake. They made a nice Sunday morning treat.
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