Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Fall Post Haste

What the heck happened?

We've been chugging along at the low eighties, albeit a rather soggy low eighties when suddenly a switch was flipped and now it's all fall like around here. Don't get me wrong, I prefer the cooler temps, I just like a little warning and a bit of a transition. Going from shorts all the time to slipper weather in a space of two days is a bit hard on the system.

I know we are warming back up again, I just hope we are not going to be yo-yoing back and forth on the temperatures. It's brutal on my semi-asthmatic respiratory system. Seasonal allergies coupled with just the right virus is my trigger and apparently that delightful cold I had two weeks ago was just the thing. I'm fine, I just hate having to deal with the meds.

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