Friday, September 20, 2013


snappy by Teckelcar
snappy, a photo by Teckelcar on Flickr.
I was at the library this week and as I stepped outside I looked up at the flag out front. The sky, as you can see, was a clear brilliant blue. A good breeze was blowing so the flag was snapping in the wind. The flag pole is quite close to the entrance and you have to really crane your neck to see the flag. I liked the perspective and the colors so much I deemed it worthy to go to the car for my camera and to come back and take a few pictures.

I don't know what is so pleasing to me about this picture. I can tell you that it is true to what I saw and the picture is straight out of the camera. No cropping, no color adjustment, no editing whatsoever. Not bad for a little point and shoot i got for $50.

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