Sunday, December 05, 2010

Third and Fourth Night

Third Night
Originally uploaded by Teckelcar
Friday night was the start of the third day of Hanukkah and was also Larry's birthday. We had a lovely dinner of flank steak with latkes and a lovely Pino Noir we had been saving. For dessert I made Chocolate Sybil cake, a truly scrumptious chocolate cake that is dead easy to make.

However, that morning I also went horse back riding for the first time in oh... 18 years. It was a lot of fun and I'm proud to say I lasted an hour and did not fall off the horse. Unfortunately my calves made it very plain to me that I was a very bad person and it took a big dose of ibuprofen to get them to quite down (Yay, better living through chemistry!) So I was just plain wiped out at the end of the day. It's a minor miracle that I even took pictures. But... I did take pictures and this is our bicycle chain menorah. I found it at a funky little store in Careytown called Ten Thousand Villages last year. It's simplicity called out to me. Coupled with my renewed interest in biking , I couldn't resist it.

Fourth Night
Originally uploaded by Teckelcar
Saturday night was the fourth night of Hanukkah which we got to celebrate with my in-laws who had just come down for the weekend. Coincidentally it was also my mother-in-laws birthday. After a quick candle lighting we skedaddled out for dinner at Weezie's and the 7:15 show at the Byrd Theater.

The food, as always, was fabulous. The movie, The Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hool, was less so. It wasn't a bad movie (the CGI was impressive), but it really butchered the books. At least we had Bob and the mighty Wurlitzer and only paid two bucks a head.

So as you can see we have been a bit busy with even more to post later.

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