Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Artist of the Week: The Musical!

This week’s artist is Nate.

Originally uploaded by Teckelcar.

Last week he went to a Music Composition camp being held by his piano teacher. The camp had two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Nate was in the afternoon which was from 1:00pm to 3:30pm Monday through Friday. In his group the ages ranged from 16 down to six. They learned about various classical composers and some of the tricks they used in composition. During the week each camper had to compose one piece of music. On Friday evening the teacher had a small recital that combined the two sessions. The campers would each describe their piece and than perform them. His piece is titled “Torpedo” and I have to warn you it is a largish file.

As I was sitting down for the recital I pulled out our camcorder to tape Nate’s performance. The teacher immediately noticed our camera and loudly asked if I was going to tape the recital. I was only planning to tape Nate, but my good manners prevented me from saying so. I ended up taping the whole show. I haven’t reviewed it yet, it should be interesting. At one point the camera fell over and in the end I was hissing (quietly) at Max to keep still. Video taping a recital with a 3 ½ year old is difficult at best.

Nate had a wonderful time and wants to go again. Jake was even caught up in Nate’s enthusiasm and expressed interest in attending Composition Camp next year.

Update:fixed the song link

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