Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy Birthday to My Mom

Today is my mother’s birthday. I wrote about her last year. She is all moved into her new house and is very happy there.

My parents first home was smack dab on the beach and was a very modern affair. Note the word was. They both loved being on the water, but the whole thing was swept away by a hurricane. After that experience my parents decided to abide the biblical passage to “build on rock.”

Here is a picture of my parent’s in front of their second house.

Originally uploaded by Teckelcar.

This was the house I spent the first 11 years of my life. It is a very old house, well over 200 years old. It has a dirt basement with a stream bisecting the floor, an early version of indoor running water. They didn’t do much to alter the house except improve the upstairs bathroom and expand the kitchen. Both of my parents liked to cook and the original kitchen was far too small to accommodate them both. I loved that house and I very sad to leave it, except for one peculiarity of its location.

The funny part of building on rock was that the house is on a magnetic ridge. As a result every thunderstorm in the area would end up over our house. One time a lightening strike blew the electrical box off the side of the house. As a result I was rather phobic of thunderstorms for a large portion of my life.

Her new house is an old house, but not nearly as old as her second one. It is a small neat house with a large yard, next to a park and smack dab in town. An ideal house for her and a fun place for her grandchildren to visit.

Today she had a nice day filled with fun, food, friends and phone calls.

Happy birthday Mom, I hope you get to the post office tomorrow.

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