Monday, December 04, 2006

Cool Max

Max is a very cool little dude and has his very own sense of style. He is a huge fan of the web slinger and has numerous Spiderman themed shirts and pajamas.

He also has CF and that necessitates Max getting nebulized two to three times a day, once in the morning, the early afternoon and just before bed. He really is better off with three times a day, but when push comes to shove (i.e. a travel day when we go on vacation) I will drop a treatment.

As a reward for sitting through his endless treatments, Max gets to watch tv. During the spring and summer months the suns rays in the morning hours do not fall upon Max’s spot on the couch. Now, however, it is a bit of a problem. The tubing only reaches so far and it is hard to find a spot where he isn’t blinded by the morning sun. Then the other day I finally thought of his sunglasses.

Originally uploaded by Teckelcar.

He looks so cool and so very, very cute as he sits there with his sunglasses and nebulization kit strapped to his face. I just had to share this picture.

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