Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A Little Bit of Art

Originally uploaded by Teckelcar
The kids are all home on spring break this week. Yesterday they mucked around outside and watched tv. They rediscovered the excitement of mommy buying groceries and various errands. Today had a much more cultural bent.

Last weekend I had attended a concert with Jake on the University of Richmond campus. In order to reach the concert's venue we had to cut through the Modlin Center for the Arts. As we passed through the lovely building we noticed a small gallery tucked off to the side. The current exhibit is titled "Surface Tension: Pattern, Texture, and Rhythm in Art from the Collection" and featured some delightful works of art.

Jake and I quickly went through the gallery and decided it was definitely worth a second look when we had a bit more time. Sadly it was closed by the end of the concert, but would be open during spring break. I thought it would be a good field trip for my crew because it had the added bonus of a create your own work of art area.

not bored
Originally uploaded by Teckelcar
So today I dragged my brood on over to the gallery. Max was a bit underwhelmed at first and promptly sprawled on the bench. He did, however, perk up when he found out he could make an art work at the end of our visit.

Rebecca and Jake were far more interested in looking at the art. Jake was happy to revisit the gallery and point out his favorites to his siblings. Rebecca drank in the art and carefully examined each piece. I love this picture and how it captures the moment.

Meanwhile Nate wandered about bored and uninterested in the whole enterprise. He was more more interested in the lacrosse practice happening just outside the building along side the parking lot. He made a half-hearted collage at the end while asking me when would we be going home.

Barring Nate, I think the rest of them had a good time. Max even announced this was his favorite museum.

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