Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Weevilicious Wednesday One: Turkey Day Style

Since Terry is off tomorrow we get to have:

... Weevilicious Wednesday One, to whit:
Name ONE traditional Thanksgiving food that you would be satisfied to NEVER EVER eat again!

As is always the case with these competitions, we ask you to either leave your answer in the comments below or a link to your blog, so we can all come over to your place and sit around in a sleepy daze on the couch with our pants unbuttoned.

For me it would be anything involving giblets. Blech, I can’t stand them. They make the gravy all funny and ruin the stuffing. I also object to celery and nuts in the dressing. It took me a few years to figure out what it was in my stuffing that I did not like. Once I jettisoned the celery and replaced it with yams all was yummy in the world again.

Tonight I’ll be baking a pumpkin pie and make a little turkey cake. Rebecca saw one in the store the other day and I said no, I could make better. I have a little cake in the freezer that I can sculpt and decorate. If it looks decent I’ll post a picture of it. Then tomorrow it is a festival of cooking. I should have the kitchen completely trashed by noon.

Have a happy and tasty Thanksgiving.

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