Sunday, July 08, 2007

Rats and Restaurants

Today was another hot one.

We planned on going to a new movie theater not far from us, it had a grand opening specials of $2 movies, $1 popcorn and drinks. With fairly recent movies on the marquee, this was too good a deal to pass.

Then Meryl called.

She was already there and the lines wrapped around the building. With 100 degree weather, the deal no longer seemed good. So we changed plans and headed on over to see Ratatouille instead.

It was a wonderful movie. It is one of the few family movies that is fun for everyone. The storyline is good, it's well paced and it all makes sense in the end. Well worth paying matinée prices.

Of course watching a movie all about good food and restaurants put us in the frame of mind to go out for dinner. It was a bit early for dinner so we headed home instead, but later we did go out.

We want to a local Italian place and as we walked in we met up with an older couple. I joked with them that I wouldn't rush to beat them in as our needs were very different from theirs. He replied that our needs weren't that different, though my family would need a much bigger table. Both of our parties were quickly seated and I thought nothing of it. Dinner was good and so were the kids. About two thirds of the way through our dinner The male half of the couple stopped by the table and complimented us on how well behaved our children were. I thought it was such a very kind thing for him to do.

So often people are quick to criticize it's nice when people go out of their way to pay a complement.

We have been going out to eat with our children since they were babies. It hasn't always been easy, but they have learned to behave nicely in restaurants. If they don't, they get taken outside and get a very long and boring lecture from me. And then they are good, I always tell them in the car on the way home.

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